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Auckland, North Island, New Zealand
Wine tour operator, wine writer and lapsed physiotherapist. "Nature abhors a vacuum. I personally hate dusting."


Saturday, July 3, 2010


Phil runs wine tours in Auckland NZ

Just checked my email and got a message from Tubely.com telling me that Rupesh Kumar wants to be my friend and will I accept or reject him.  Now, I have no issues with Rupesh being very likely Indian - and I like a Palak Paneer as well as the next man.  But I have no idea who Mr. Kumar is - nor am I even registered on Tubely.com

Weird shit, huh? There seems to be this monstrous social media hydra out there, capturing people's details and matching them up with other people who they don't know of.  I have numerous Twitter followers who I also follow, who I don't know from a bar of soap - or a garlic naan.  It's a bit like being match-made by a robot.  Maybe it's like arranged marriages - perhaps Tuebely is an Indian arranged friendship site where they make you mates with an Indian instead of being matched with a bride from Uttar Pradesh.

I can't wait for Rupesh to meet my parents!  I'm sure we'll be very happy.

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