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Auckland, North Island, New Zealand
Wine tour operator, wine writer and lapsed physiotherapist. "Nature abhors a vacuum. I personally hate dusting."


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Jasper ... again

I got Jaz as a genial bruiser of a dog from the Manukau Dog Pound back about ten years ago, when I was doing a
physio locum in Papakura. He was on death row and the Lab Rescue people had alerted me to his status. So, after getting his shots and recovering from kennel cough, I handed over $50 and got a big, goofy, happy, gorgeous one year-old Black Lab. He may have been pedigree or he may have had a bit of Rottweiler – I dunno. He didn’t come with a biography. Or a name. So we called him Jasper and he seemed to like it. Especially when we said, “Come here Jasper. Food!” He is the most food-driven-obsessed dog I have ever known.

He is also the most stubborn, pig-headed, disobedient bastard dog have ever known.

Sure, I took him to obedience classes. He would rocket out of the car, dragging me in his wake as soon as I let the car door open, as 40kg of solid wild-eyed mad Lab hurtled towards the darkened playing field where the FUN was.

All the other dogs sat neatly in line, ears cocked, trembling in coil-sprung readiness for the slightest hint of a verbal cue, with eyes laser-focused on their owner. Meanwhile Jasper was looking over his shoulder with a zero attention span: Hey! There’s a dog barking over there! Hey! Lookit! That dog’s owner has special foodie treats! I can smell FOOD! I’m hungry! Why don’t you bring treats???!!!

We managed some semblance of SIT! And WAIT! – after about 6 weeks. But he did it with a good-humoured yet grudging, ‘yeah – whatever’ attitude. After ten years, I realise that Jasper never got the idea of me being the Alpha Male. To him, I'm basically a talented equal.

Jasper: Yes - Phil has a magical fridge thing that endlessly produces food when you open the door, but He is quite uncooperative when I walk him. Phil insists on going the OTHER WAY on walks. He pulls on the leash and can be very annoying. He insists on removing my poo - even after I've gone to a lot of trouble to find a perfect location. But he does good tickles, back massage and ear rubs.

Phil: We've got used to each other. having a dog is not unlike having a permanent 3-year old child: broken sleep, messes to clean up, regular feeding timetable, and discipline issues.
But at least he won't get anyone pregant or want to borrow the car when he's older.

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